Dalby Office 4669 7135

Oakey Office 4691 2848

Chiropractic Services

Christine & Richard both specialise in all areas of chiropractic care, including:

- Dry Needling

- Migraine and Headache relief

- Soft Tissue Releases

- Pregnancy & Post-natal care

- Breastfeeding support

- Pediatric care

- Nutritional Support

- Gut Health

- Women's and Men's Health

Christine is now offering a pregnancy package, lactation and women's health consultations.

Chiropractic can help with optimum positioning for the growing baby in uterine.  Pelvis misalignment can restrict the amount of space available to the developing baby. This can lead to birth defects and may also make it hard for your baby to move into the best position to be born.

A balanced pelvis decreases  the chance of the baby moving into a breech or posterior position and evidence has shown that chiropractic care during pregnancy can reduce the length of time you are in labour.

In addition, regular chiropractic care while you are pregnant can help you maintain a healthier, more comfortable pregnancy and relieve headaches and pain in the back, neck, hips and joints.

Our pregnancy package consists of 15 treatments throughout pregnancy, becoming more frequent leading up to birth and a post birth consultation checking on the mother and baby and a post birth debrief.  

Womens Health consultations include a review of your condition, natural and chiropractic treatment and advice on referrals and surgical options.